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An insightful Teachers' Supplement
Book of Mormon Translation on Trial
The Transformation and Restoration of Pistis as Knowledge, Trust, Confidence, and Covenantal Faithfulness
Dan Jones is well known among members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as a missionary in Wales. On the cover of this book and within Preach My Gospel, the Church's guide to missionary service, readers are greeted by Clark Kelley Price's painting Dan Jones Awakens Wales.
The Book of Mormon is a true history of real people. So where is the real hard evidence of their existence? “Show me one Maya hieroglyphic inscription that testifies of these things.”
Twelve ancient idolatries profling today.
In this book, Dr. Robert A. Pate employed his talents for problem solving to trace ancient place names in Central America to Book of Mormon cities using the same methods.
The new and updated version now in print.
A multifaceted seven-part structure of the Book of Isaiah draws on events fron Israel's past to systematically develop an apocalyptic message and a Hebrew messianic theology.
The close readings in this book bring many new details to light, making the legal cases in the Book of Mormon clear to ordinary readers.
Types and shadows from the Bible and the Book of Mormon.
Every revision in the Old & New Testaments
Described by many scholars as the greatest archaeological discovery of the 20 th century, the Dead Sea Scrolls contain the oldest biblical manuscripts ever found.
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